This skin was made by alilovely, yours truly.
Inspired by the skin Royale by rearrangeEditted by Kenneth Chiang of 2E
Best viewed in 1026 x 768 pixels screen resolution, Mozilla Firefox.
Complete your literature dramatisation scripts by this Thursday (12 March). Pass it to Ms Fox so that she can photocopy the scripts for your group members.
Collect 5-10 Samples of Namecards and Letterheads.
Draw 5 thumbnail sketches of different layouts of Namecards, Letterheads, Memos and Envelopes.
Find out about the dimensions suitable for namecards, memos and letterheads.
Bring your Art Folder/File complete with all your printed works and research.
English Narrative test tomorrow (11 March). Maths test on Thursday (During P.E. Theory Period).
Thank You for reading. Edit if there's any errors.. ,.,.,.,.,|Aziz|,.,.,.,.,